Collection: Moldavite
Moldavite is the result of an event of enormous power. There has been debate of its true origins, but the consensus is that it is a product of a meteor collision with the Earth nearly 15 million years ago. It formed splatters of hot glass, strewn in fields across what is now called the Moldau River valley in Czech Republic. These natural green glass tektites are among one of the rarest minerals in the world. The legend of this stone is believed to be that it was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one’s spiritual evolution. Moldavite is among one of those unexplainably strong energies that even those not sensitive to crystal energy sense its power when they encounter it. Moldavite is a storm element stone and it most certainty lives up to that reputation. The intense and strong energy of Moldavite is extremely transformative. It unlocks parts of us that we may be unaware of or need to let go of. This energy ignites a heightened awareness and awakening to the truth of who you are and the world around us. Walking through the storm Moldavite can bring can create turbulence but the result of what it alchemizes you into is a beautifully profound awaken version to your soul and life’s purpose. That’s what I call a rainbow after the storm has passed. However, Moldavite is known for its purging qualities, it also brings a feeling of pure bliss. It activates the chakras with its “Moldavite flush” and becomes a fierce protector of the user. One of the noted occurrences of working with Moldavite is an enormous increase of synchronicities and alignment with one’s true path through manifestation. Its profound impact on the Heart Chakra unlocks blockages and instills a deeper sense of love and compassion starting with yourself then branching out to all that is. Moldavite can be used to enhance the dream state and inter-dimensional travel. Its link to the Third Eye Chakra initiates the psychic gifts we are born with when we come into this world. It opens the Crown Chakra for a flow of divine love, wisdom, guidance and connectiveness. Many have reported have being contacted with extraterrestrial beings beyond our Earth plane or other benevolent energies when working with Moldavite. For those who identify themselves as star seeds, Moldavite can be very comforting and soothing, like a little piece of “home”.