
Hello wonderful souls! My name is Julianne Pierandri and I go by Juli. I hope you have a positive and enjoyable experience while browsing my shop. I am deeply grateful for your interest in my business and would love to connect with you.  

     My interest in “spirituality” was born on a self-discovery journey where I was focusing on bettering my mental health. This difficult but necessary period of my life facilitated the beginning of my spiritual awakening. I was searching for healing of my heart and seeking answers for the longing I had in my soul. It was during this time I was drawn to a spiritual shop in my hometown which gratefully evolved into a job that led to several years of experience in multiple stores of this nature. I uncovered a deep passion for crystals, the mystical and practices of mindfulness. I explored both ancient practices and new age ones. Whether they were informational, healing or enlightening, I have greatly transcended myself in more ways than I could have ever imagined to. I opened the door for magic in my own life and nurtured my own spiritual gifts. Though it was the interactions and connections I made while assisting others on their own journey that ultimately guided me to creating my own shop, Melodies of Lyra. My highest intention with my shop is to inspire the same for you, not by buying my items but realizing you have everything within you to do so. By starting my own business, it has allowed me to bring my creative visions to life and utilize my love of photography, for which I have a degree in. I am eternally grateful for this journey I have taken.

     Crystals provide me deep sense of comfort and joy when connecting with them and an ever-growing curiosity of where they came from and how they were created. For me, they are Mother Nature’s fine art, a source of inspiration for my creativity, fascinating specimens to learn about and wonderful tools for deepening my connection to my soul and “all that is”. Whether you keep one in your pocket, where them around your neck or display them in your home they are easy to adore. They hold space for many purposes, and I find that if your intention honors them, there is no correct way to use them.

     The signature product of my shop is my “Melody Bowls”. These are hand constructed crystal sculptures placed in repurposed vessels that become one-of-a-kind sand gardens. It is a very rewarding experience to breathe new life into an object beyond its intended use to build something beautiful. Each bowl has their own curated intentions but all radiate positive energy, inspire creativity and create a conceptual visual for a beloved space. Over my years of meditation and spiritual practice I have placed an important emphasis on creating a sacred space in my home. I find the process to be peaceful when arranging and creating magical displays with the crystals, vintage glass, and home décor I collect. It has allowed me to be in the “now” and to utilize my intuition with my creative energy. The space around us holds energy and the main goal of my bowls and business is to help my customers create a space that allows them to connect, reflect and practice what they are called to with love and positivity.

     I'm sending you so much love, light and abundance! My hope for you is that you listen to the call in your heart and it leads you back to the truth of your soul.